Helium-10000 | A Metallic Inflatable Puffer Jacket, Filled With Helium
The Italian designer Andrew Kostman has created a helium-filled metallic inflatable puffer jacket that can be carried like a balloon instead of down.
The coat is called Helium-10000, which is available with a valve near the hem and an accompanying canister of the lighter-than-air gas

“Flying doesn’t help,” Kostman told Dezeen.
“It’s more of a device that surprises people and makes them realize that if our traditional thinking is overcome and things are approached from a different perspective, we can accomplish more.”
This jacket is made in Japan and is available in six metallic colors ranging from an iridescent rainbow gradient to a deeper Black Vanta.
Its blowup volumes are made of an unidentified synthetic sheeting that Kostman claims is lightweight but durable enough to withstand wear and tear.
“The jacket cannot be covered or lined to float,” Kostman explained, “but the material is smooth and comfortable to the touch.” “It feels like it’s wrapped in cotton candy.”

Each jacket contains a branded helium canister that can be refilled twice. At each charge, the Helium-10000 can last up to two weeks.
“Without making too many design compromises, our technologist is looking for the best solution to have more loads in the helium cylinders,” the designer explained.

“It’s more difficult than I expected to speak the truth.”
The various panels that make up the jacket in a secure manner while allowing them to be inflated were also a significant challenge to overcome.

“Nobody wanted to participate in this project at first, discouraging me from being impossible and lacking technology for soldering inflatable volumes of this size,” Kostman explained.
“It was difficult to make the seams strong enough to wear the jacket. As an oval seam stretched and squeezed, the best way to ensure they were double-stitched, “He persisted.
“I designed your volume to be linked to the space between the helium seams for flow, so it does not need to be filled autonomously.”

The Helium-10000 is limited to 100 pieces and is priced at $10,000 in the beginning.
Many other fashion designers have experimented with inflatable clothing and the exaggerated excessive dimensions that they produce.