Inside In Tamil Nadu, Poolathur Is located On A Rural Bio-Farm Near Kodaikanal.

Government transport buses come here just twice a day and 10 kilometres is the nearest rail line. It would be near Kodaikanal, the former high priestess of hill retreats if the location were to imply anything. On the route to Kodai, Poolathur is covered with a 20acre estate, which is managed exclusively using regenerative biofarming methods, among steep hills.
“An unspoiled valley above the estate, without a settlement in sight, is the most striking aspect of the estate in this plantation,” says Niels Schoenfelder, who worked on the property over three years from its beginning to its conclusion. Because it is located so far away, construction supplies were discharged by lorries in the lower highlands, the only vehicles that were compact enough to negotiate the tight upwards approach. Due to a predisposition for heavy air, the area was forced to stop, as nimbus clouds formed overhead, with Schoenfelder and his team of local masons and carpenters.
The slow building pace characterised the house’s atmosphere. On one side of the home are the kitchen with a master bedroom and an additional bedroom and, on the other, the dining room, living room and guest room have a covered balcony which evenly distributes the entrant breeze. Radically distinct perspectives of view are provided by the rooms on the ends of the home. In addition, this is not supported by the plantation, unlike other estate houses. “The brief was about having the house closer to nature and farming activity,” Schoenfelder said.
“The farmers are brought in peppers, bananas, avocados, and other vegetables all day and all day.
Schoenfelder gained more expertise and curiosity in organic farming throughout his two years in office. “You know how much science is involved when you stand back. But science produces products you may slice and eat without worrying about unnatural food!”
On the other hand, Schoenfelder smiles nicely as he contemplates the house’s and plantation’s main aim. “The owners manage a profitable business, but for them, their home is more than just a pension plan.

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