The Great Sphinx Of Giza | Brief
Introduction And History Of The Monument
The Great Sphinx of Giza is among the world’s largest sculptures, measuring around 240 feet long and 66 feet high. It features a lion’s body and a human head mounted on top of a royal headdress. The specialty of this statue is that it was carved from a single piece of limestone. It would have taken about three years for 100 workers, predominantly using stones, hammers, and copper chisels, to finish the construction of the statue. Unfortunately, the body of the statue has started to diminish a little over all these years due to the course of time. Also, there are efforts being taken to consolidate and preserve the beauty of this magnificent piece of work.

The sphinx is entirely constructed out of one large piece of limestone near Cairo, Giza. It was not assembled in installments or piece by piece. This makes the monument one of the largest and oldest monolithic statues in the world. The face, though better preserved than most of the statue. It has been battered by centuries of weathering and vandalism.
The Sphinx and the pyramids, epic feats of engineering and architecture, were built at the end of a special time of more dependable rainfall when pharaohs could marshal labor forces on an epic scale. But then, over the centuries, the landscape dried out and harvests grew more precarious to be stable and hold the weight of the entire statue. The pharaoh’s central authority gradually weakened, allowing provincial officials to assert themselves—culminating in an era of civil war.
Today’s Situation Of Giza
As late as the beginning of 2019, the Sphinx of Giza was open for tourists, archeologists, and researchers for display and making revenue, which was eventually compounded to use in the betterment of the monument. It holds tremendous value and dignity, especially in the minds of the locals and their previous generations as well.
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